Married to a Thai national means that you can apply for a Thai marriage visa and have this extended in Thailand for 12 months. Once extended you don’t need to leave Thailand again as you only need to report to immigration every 90 days. This is called 90 day reporting and is a simple process. Where does it start?
Firstly you need to obtain a 3 month marriage visa at a Thai embassy. This can be done in Asia if you have registered your marriage in Thailand. The Thai embassy will give you a 3 month visa once you present the following documents to the embassy:
1. Copy of your marriage certificate;
2. Copy of your passport;
3. Copy of your wife’s ID card and Tabian Baan;
4. Copy of your children’s birth certificates (if any);
5. Copy of your Thai bank book (optional)
Once you submit this to the embassy they will issue your Thai marriage visa for 3 months. Note that they are becoming very strict in Asia with visa abuse and will not issue you more than 2 marriages visas in one year. Once you have this visa you can now go to Thai immigration and extend this visa for 1 year. You need to show all the above documents again plus the following:
1. Copy of your Thai bank book showing 400,000THB or an income of 40,000THB per month
2. Copy of a map to your house/condo in Thailand;
3. Copy of photos of you and wife together.
The process takes about 3-4 weeks to complete so do not wait until the last minute to obtain the extended visa. Speak to us online if you have any questions or see our main website for more details.